Scientists have two objections to Musk's plan to set off nuclear weapons on Mars

The crazy idea of detonating a nuclear weapon on Mars isn't just talk. Musk might actually do it! And Musk's purpose is to do this in order to carry out the preliminary modification of Mars, to make a habitable planet!
Musk's idea has caught the attention of the world, which is watching the night sky in anticipation that nuclear weapons have been deployed on Mars and will be detonated simultaneously. When the red dot in the sky is replaced by white light, there is a bright flash. The bomb exploded on Mars, now soaking its surface in heat and radiation. The hope is that by nuclearizing the Red Planet's junk, we can turn it into a good place for humans to live, but will it really work?
With nuclear weapons to Mars, elon musk, is our plan, but elon, not a scientist, he has no advanced degree in science, never made any peer-reviewed studies related to the earth science, although he does have a bachelor's degree in physics, but unfortunately, most of his courses are solid state physics, That doesn't make him an expert in geology, biology, climate physics or anything else to do with terrain formation, so when he says that dropping something like thermonuclear weapons at the poles could allow us to terraform Mars is still open to question 39bet-xsmb-xổ số tây ninh-xổ số binh phước-xổ số binh dương-xổ số đồng nai.
The temperature
We know that Mars' atmosphere is extremely thin, and that the current average temperature on Mars is about minus 81 degrees Fahrenheit, which is not suitable for humans and almost every life form on Earth. To raise the temperature of our neighboring planet, we need to release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which reduces heat emissions. Just like the Earth, we are pumping greenhouse gases into our own atmosphere every day, which is driving climate change and causing the global temperature on our planet to rise. However, unlike Mars, where Earth's current temperatures are on the high side, with serious consequences for humans and all living things on our planet, Mars is different.
In fact, what we're doing to our planet today may actually help us terraform Mars in the future. Right now, most of Mars' atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide, but there's not enough of it. In addition to carbon dioxide, water vapor is a greenhouse gas that can raise Earth's temperature because Mars has a significant amount of water frozen at its surface poles, and blasting it with nuclear weapons could turn ice into water vapor, which can then be released into the atmosphere. The combination of carbon dioxide, water and other greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere keeps our planet warm and enables us to live comfortably on it. So Elon's idea is to change the composition of Mars's atmosphere so that it retains heat and, in theory, becomes our second home.
A nuclear explosion on Mars would certainly release water vapor and even more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but there are some problems with the plan. A recent study by Bruce Jarkovsky and Christopher Edwards, two scientists from the University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Arizona at Flagstaff, suggests that there isn't enough ice on Mars to change the temperature of the Earth's surface. While Musk has also suggested that carbon dioxide stored in Martian rocks and crust could be released into the atmosphere through nuclear weapons, scientists have also found that there is not enough carbon dioxide in surface rocks to warm the planet to a suitable level.
Why is that? The reason is that Martian rocks are very different from Earth rocks. Rocks on Earth contain large amounts of carbon dioxide similar to limestone, and the biological processes of microbes that sequester carbon trapped large amounts of carbon in Earth's rocks. However, no microbes have been detected on Mars, so these biological processes did not occur. The only process that can trap carbon dioxide in Martian rocks is the slow infiltration of molecules from the atmosphere to the planet's surface, but that process is not very efficient at storing it. So Elon's plan isn't the only problem on Mars, which lacks much carbon dioxide and water.
The magnetic field
Unlike Earth, the red planet doesn't have a magnetic field to protect it. This means the Martian atmosphere would be buffeted so hard by particles ejected from the solar wind that nuclear weapons would release fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, eventually returning it to its original composition. On this basis, scientists note that although Mars is smaller than Earth, its distance from the sun requires it to have an Earth-like atmospheric pressure, and in order to sustain human life, its atmosphere would also need to contain the same amount of carbon dioxide as Earth in order to heat Mars to the right temperature.
, however, it is estimated that even if the entire Mars by radiation, the release of water from the ice cap, and the carbon dioxide released into the air, the resulting gases can only make the atmospheric pressure reach 1.2% of the earth's atmospheric pressure, there is no help, so elon nuclear explosion Mars will not lead to the formation of a new version of the earth. Although the Martian atmosphere of greenhouse gases will increase, but not enough to significantly change its fundamental climate, in addition, there is a very significant negative effects, the use of nuclear weapons to blow up the planet's surface to detonate nuclear weapons with a lot of radiation, if we set off enough nuclear weapons to release all the water in the ice and the surface of rock, the planet would receive a bomb of radiation, Such a purpose premised on destroying the terrain is even less desirable, since humans will not be able to set foot on the surface until radiation levels drop, which may take a long time to reach acceptable levels.
It could be decades before we can safely send an expedition to Mars after an entire planet detonates nuclear weapons, and it could take even longer to grow plants on the surface. Another nasty consequence of blowing up Mars with nuclear weapons is that it could send the planet into a nuclear winter again. If we can't survive on Mars, then it kind of defeats the purpose of terraforming the Earth. If enough of the dust and particles by the impact to the atmosphere, they are likely to prevent sunlight to reach the Martian surface, this will cause the temperature drops to the lower level than your current, particles will eventually come out from atmosphere precipitation, then the temperature will start to rise, but because we know that there is not enough water or carbon dioxide to surface of the planet to increase the temperature to enough level, So a nuclear test on Mars is not a good option.

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